Important update to our Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

We have a new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
Dear Member,

In June 2017, Yahoo and AOL joined forces to create Oath, a media and technology company with a dynamic house of global brands, and part of Verizon. It's an exciting venture that we believe will bring a host of new innovations and digital experiences for our users. With Verizon, Oath can provide you with better experiences and services.

As part of this collaboration, we're asking all users of Oath-owned sites and services to agree to the new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which will help us continue to deliver and build on great digital experiences for you.

Please take some time to review and agree to the new unified Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by clicking on the button below. If you have already agreed, no additional action is needed.

Review and agree now

To help you understand some of the key updates, we've provided a summary below as well as a description of what tools are available to you to manage your data and experience within Oath's house of brands. Please note that this summary is not exhaustive and we encourage you to review the updated versions of our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Those terms, and not this summary, will govern your relationship with Oath. To learn more about our approach to privacy, click here.

Terms of Service updates summary
  • We've specified the legal entity that provides each service to you. For some services, this may be a different entity to the entity that previously provided the service. We've also reserved the right to transfer the providing entity for each service in the future.
  • General provisions that apply to billing, auto-renewal and refunds have been added. Unless the additional terms for a service override the Terms of Service, these provisions apply to your use of our paid services.
  • Applicability of terms. If you are using our services on behalf of another account owner (e.g. as an administrator, consultant or analyst) or on behalf of a company, business or other entity, the Terms of Service apply to your activities and are binding on the account owner or entity.
  • Indemnity for non-personal use. If you are using our Services on behalf of a company, business or other entity, or if you are using our Services for commercial purposes, we've added an indemnity provision that requires you and the entity to protect us against certain legal actions.

Privacy Policy updates summary
  • We've made it more readable. We took care to make it easier for you to understand our services and our privacy practices.
  • We've updated how we collect and use data. We've updated some of the ways in which we collect and analyse user data in order to deliver services, content and relevant advertising to you, and to protect against abuse. This includes:
    • Analysing content and information (including emails, instant messages, posts, photos, attachments and other communications) when you use our services. This allows us to deliver, personalise and develop relevant features, content, advertising and services
    • Linking your activity on third-party sites and apps with information that we have about you
    • Providing anonymised and aggregated reports to other parties regarding user trends
  • We've joined Verizon. By joining Verizon, Oath and its affiliates may share the information we receive among Verizon. Learn more about Verizon's privacy practices.
  • New information regarding personalisation. We've included new information explaining how we combine data among our services and across your devices and Oath accounts. This allows us to provide more personalised content and services.
  • We've updated user choices. We've provided additional information about your choices when using our services, and have given you control in our Privacy Controls section.

What you need to do

We have designed these changes to help improve your experience with Oath and its brands. To review and agree to the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, please click the button below. These changes take effect as soon as you consent.

Review and agree now

Please note that, although our services will continue to be available under the existing terms for now, you will eventually need to agree to the new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in order to continue to use our services. If you have any questions or need additional help, please refer to this link.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.



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